Is your tallit kosher?

Our customers often want to know whether all of our tallits are kosher. Recently we got an inquiry from a customer who had already placed an order. Hi, my name is Karen and I've just purchased the Prime A.A Tallit and wanted to know if it will come with a certificate station that it is...

Cleaning and replacing old tzitzit

My own talleisim ketanim have lasted for years, and I've replaced the tzitzit several times. But for most people replacing tzitzit strings is not such a simple proposition, and they would prefer to keep them in good condition for as long as possible. Here's an inquiry we received this week: Hi- great website! Do you have...

Wrapped up in your tallit

A large proportion of our customers are Sephardic. Recently we had a return customer who wanted a bigger talit, because he wants to start wearing it wrapped around him. Hi, Ben. I bought a Beit Yosef Tallit from you two years ago, and you were able to put in the medium size tzitzit, tied 10-5-6-5...

Tallit questions from a baal tshuvah

Sometimes we get customers who divulge personal information when they send in a tallit or tzitzit question. This will be my first Tallit which I hope (I believe by tradition?) will be able to hand down to my son at some point (unless I am incorrect in this?) I apologize about my ignorance as I...