Bar mitzvah tallit sizing tips

We get this question quite often, so I'm posting the question and answer for other bar mitzvah parents who might find it useful. Hello, I am wondering about tallit sizing. My son, who is 60 inches tall (now), is having his bar mitzvah two months from now. Should I order a size 50 tallit or a...

Fair Trade Tallit

We get somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,500 inquiries a year. The vast majority cover issues that are fairly routine: availability, tallit sizing questions, questions about tallit stripes, letter embroidery, turnaround time, etc. But this morning, in my email box, was a simple inquiry I've never received before. I would like to purchase a man's tallit that is either...

Should a woman wear a tallit?

Can a woman wear a tallit or observe the mitzvah of tzitzit? Many people have delved into this question, and I've found that a lot of them lack a clear understanding of a key term used in the discussion of the relevant halacha: "yehora." In the Shulchan Aruch O.C. 17, 2 the Rema, whose emendations...

Buying a tallit from online Judaica stores

We often hear stories from customers about difficulties they experienced ordering from the major online Judaica vendors. Today we received an order from a customer from Coral Gables, Florida who added the following tallit horror story to the comments field: I received the worst service from  Judaica. I first ordered one tallit that a month...

IDF Beard Controversy

In the five years since this blog was started I've refrained from politics entirely, but I think I'm going to chime in on the IDF beard controversy. It's been a long time since I was a rank-and-file soldier, but I was just discharged from reserve duty a few years ago, so I think most of...

Size 36 Tallit

Tallit sizing can be a complicated affair, especially if you are trying to figure out sizing online. This week we received an inquiry from a father in Chicago buying tallits for his two sons. Trying to determine size of Tallit for my two oldest sons. They are uncomfortable using full size Talletim, of course, and I...

Bar Mitzvah Tallit Size Guide

We often get inquires from parents asking about proper sizing for a bar mitzvah tallit. ​What size do you recommend for a bar mitzvah boy who is under 5 ft. that will STILL fit him properly when he is an adult??  Thanks,  Donna​ I had to tell Donna the truth: she's asking for the impossible. Imagine...

Tallit Fabrics – Why Wool?

Wool has always been the tallit fabric of choice from a halachic perspective, because, as the Shulchan Aruch notes, only a wool tallit or garment is required to have tzitzit. Since tzitzit is the raison d'etre of the tallit, wool is preferred because by wearing a wool tallit you fulfill the mitzvah of tzitzit...