Cotton Tallit

This week we had a customer who had decided to go with a hand-woven Gabrieli tallit, but kept debating between cotton and wool. At first she ordered it in wool, but then had second thoughts: I have a question about wool vs. cotton. I saw a tallit today in our synagogue gift shop and it was...

Why a tallit slips or stays put

A significant number of our customers are looking for a "nonslip" tallit. Here's a recent inquiry: Please help, my Tallis keeps slipping. I have bought some non-slip fabric, are you aware of any halachic impediments to sewing in to the inside?​ - Motty Motty certainly has an interesting idea. I can't think of any halachic problems...

Tallit Bag Q & A

So you've decided on a tallit, but what about a tallit bag? Do you really need one? How much should you spend? Does it have to match the tallit? What about custom letter embroidery? Velvet tallit bag: You get what you pay for. Dark velvet tallit bags are the old standby option. If you buy...

The Perfect Traditional Wool Tallis

We often receive inquiries from customers looking for a traditional wool tallit, but they want to get it just right. This inquiry regarding a traditional tallis piqued me interest: ​I am 91 years old and have shrunk a great deal. I am 5'5" what size tallit shall I buy. A fancier wool. Something like a...

Traditional Wool Tallit: 10 Options

Although many of our customers have a highly specialized tallit in mind, others simply want a basic traditional wool tallit. But even if you're in the market for a classic wool tallit -- plain and simple -- there are still some choices to be made. In very traditional Orthodox congregations, black-striped tallits are the mainstay....