Lightweight Tallit Katan

We often get customers who don’t want to budge from wearing a wool tallit katan, but want it as cool as possible for summer use. Since summer is now right around the corner, we decided to put several wool tzitzit garments on the scale and see how they compare.

Personally, during the hot summer months here in Israel, some days I wear cotton and other days wool. There are several factors that go into how hot a tallit katan feels on you.

For comparison, in the table below we weighed size 6 (US size 24) with no tzitzit.

Tallit Katan Weights

Tallit Weight
Standard 145 g
Kalit 137 g
Wool Comfort 165 g
Tzitzit Noam 124 g

Note that the weight is only one factor. Unfortunately I don’t have enough expertise in the area of wool weaves to know how to compare different fabrics in terms of breathability. Merino wool proponents claim it does a fantastic job of wicking moisture.

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