Kosher Tefillin Gassot

Recently I got a call from the U.S. from a young man you was shopping for kosher tefillin gassot. He said he was interested in buying from us, but was a bit wary because our prices were lower than those of many of our competitors. He had a number of questions to ask about...

Women and Tefillin

According to R. Meir of Rottenberg (as quoted by his disciple, R. Shimshon bar Tzadok), women are exempt from laying tefillin because it is a positive, time-bound mitzvah since tefillin are not worn on Shabbat. However, "one should not protest against their wrapping themselves in tzizit and reciting the blessing because they can accept...

Tefillin Buyers Guide

What's inside the boxes? The box of the head tefillin (tefillin shel rosh) has four separated compartments, each with a specially prepared parchment or vellum (known as klaf) on which a different passage from the Torah is written? The arm tefillin (tefillin shel yad) has one single compartment containing a parchment with verses. How are the...