Pele Yoetz on Tzitzit

The mitzvah of tzitzit is considered equivalent to all of the other commandments. Because we are unable to fulfill all of the 613 mitzvahs, when we wear tzitzits, which are meant to remind us of the obligation to keep all of the commandments, it is considered as if we did in fact observe them....

Tzitzit: Connecting Heaven and Earth

The meaning of tzitzit is about connecting Shamayim (Heaven) and eretz (earth), revealing to us the spiritual potential in the world around us. Meaning of Tzitzit The task of transforming all of our activities into spiritual pursuits may seem remote and abstract. Throughout the day we find ourselves in various places and situations that seem far...

Tallit: Beyond the Here and Now

A tallit (also called "tallis" or "tallis gadol") is a prayer shawl traditionally made of wool. Its most significant feature is the tzitzit (knotted tassels) attached to each of the four corners (Numbers 15:38) to remind us that those things which exist beyond the ken of what is visible and present...