Ptil Tekhelet Tzitzit: Sephardic Tying

A fairly significant number of our tallit and tallit katan customers who select Ptil Tekhelet tzitzit want us to tie them according to the Sephardic custom. For example, this week we received the following inquiry from a prospective techelet buyer in the US: I am looking at new Tallit Gadol. In the past I have...

Tekhelet Research Conference in Jerusalem

Some 350 participants and 20 speakers are expected to take part in an international conference on techelet research on December 30 at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yitzchak Halevi Herzog The conference was initiated to mark the centennial of the late Chief Rabbi Dr. Isaac Halevi Herzog's ground-breaking doctoral dissertation, "The Dyeing...

Ben Ish Chai Tzitzit Tying

We offer half dozen tzitzit tying and techelet tzitzit tying customs on all of our tallit and tallit katan products: Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Yemenite, Chabad, Arizal, Rambam, Vilna Gaon, Sefer HaChinuch, Tosefot and Raavad. However, one tying custom we do not list as a standard option is Ben Ish Chai tzitzit. Here in Jerusalem I...

Tzitzit Options

Unlike other online tallit sellers, we offer a large range of tzitzit options, which can overwhelm our customers. What is the difference in the choices between machine-made and hand-spun tzitzit, and thin and thick tzitzit? I'm confused...Also what is the difference between the Askenazi and Chabad tzitzit tying customs? Thanks...Steve R. Types of Tzitzit Machine-spun is slightly...

Children’s Tzitzit – Buying Tips

Children's tzitzit come in several different varieties: traditional wool tallit katan, traditional cotton tallit katan, cotton with silkscreen designs for tykes, traditional wool children's tallit, mesh tallit katan and undershirt-style tallit katan. Be aware that although strictly speaking the tzitzit are the strings and the garment they are attached to is called a "tallit...