Assembling Reminders

The following article was written by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and is republished here with permission. To read more articles from Rabbi Sacks, visit the website You are driving ever so slightly above the speed limit. You see a police car in your rear view mirror. You slow down. You know perfectly well that it is...

Tying tzitzit before conversion

Sometimes my 12-year-old son ties his own tzitzit. He now needs some new tzitzit, but because he's 12 years and 11 months old, I did the tying myself because if a 12-year-old ties tzitzit for himself, according to most opinions that's fine, but he may not be able to wear those tzitzit once he's...

Who does the tzitzit tying?

We receive several inquiries per day. Most of them are for very basic information that customers probably didn't notice is available in the various online resources provided on our webstore. But we also receive specific questions not addressed already. Today we received the following inquiry: I noticed you offer variations for the tzitzit tying; do...

Making your own tallis katan

Although I have modified tallit katan garments a few times, I have never endeavored to make one from scratch. Still, I can offer some tips on how to go about it. Here is an exchange with a customer who wanted to make tzitzit for his 18-month son. Our smallest tzitzit are meant for a...