Tzitzits Cleaning Tips

Keeping tzitzits clean, especially those worn on a daily basis, can be quite a challenge. I just came across a string of posts on the topic, with a wealth of original tips, including both do's and don'ts. This was my personal favorite: I gave my tzitzis to a laundry place to wash. When I came to...

Gathering Information on Techelet

Mishmar Hamesora has announced it is compilation information in Hebrew to be used by rabbis in providing halachic guidance regarding the use of techelet tzitzits. The organization, which is based in Tifrach, Israel, has issued a call for material, both in favor and against, placing an emphasis on opinions set forth by leading halacha...

Dyeing to Be Holy: Techelet Marine Expedition

by Nathan Jeffay Dor Beach — Bathers on a northern Israel beach witnessed a strange spectacle in late September, when a group of Orthodox Jews arrived, discussed a number of Talmudic passages, and waded into the water, wearing snorkels, to unravel a biblical mystery. As well as demanding that “the Children of Israel make tzitzit on...

The Color Techelet

by Jonah Mandel The Jerusalem Post Not quite azure, more of a midnight blue. That is apparently the actual color of the biblical techelet, according to Prof. Zvi Koren, who spoke this week at the Shenkar College’s International Edelstein Color Symposium. Techelet: Color of a Clear Blue Sky Techelet is the color that was used to dye the...

Tying Tzitzits at Night

by Rabbi Ari Enkin Although many things can be done by machine, tying tzitzit strings is still not one of them. In order to render a tallit usable, the tzitzit strings must be hand tied by a God-fearing individual. What is amusing, however, is the largely mistaken belief that it is forbidden to tie the...

Tzitzit: Junior Tzitz

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin of Efrat offered an interesting interpretation of the word "tzitzit" in his article on Parshat Tetzaveh this week. "What is most jarring to the modern ear," Rabbi Riskin notes, "is the painstaking description of the eight special garments of the High Priest and the four special garments of the regular priests. Clothes Make...

Tzitzit and the Would-Be Sinner

The following story from the Talmud (Menachos 44a) is about a Torah scholar whose tzitzit save him from sin. Once there was a man who was always careful to keep the mitzvah of tzitzit properly. When he happened to hear about a prostitute in a faraway place overseas who charged 400 zehuvim, he sent that...

Broken Tzitzits

A few years ago I ran into a friend who has a house full of teenagers. I sometimes see the strain showing on his face, so after directing the conversation to his kids I said with a grin, "It sounds like keeping your boys with 16 unbroken tzitzits is not the ultimate parenting challenge." "It...