Wool tallit katan with patented design to prevent fraying at the neck opening.
100% virgin wool. Choose black or white stripes. Also available: lightweight wool tallit katan.

Prices start at $12  (not including tzitzit)

Tallit Katan with or without tzitzits

Wool Tallit Katan sizing tips:

» Sizes 2-4 are children’s sizes
» Size 5 is the minimum size according to Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l
» Size 22 is the preferred minimum size according to Rav Moshe Feinstein
» Size 6 is the minimum size according to the Chazon Ish zt”l

Wool Tallit Katan Sizing Chart>>

We can tie white tzitzit according to the Ashkenazi, Sephardic, or Yemenite customs.

We can tie techelet tzitzits according to the Rambam, Gra, Raavad, Chinuch, Arizal or Breslov.
…or feel free to tie the tzitzit yourself. Be sure to see our article, “Do-It-Yourself Tzitzit Tying.”

Go to Wool Tallit Katan>>>