Kohen Conundrum

My cousin in the U.S. is planning a bar mitzvah. He wants to keep the bar mitzvah very low-key, with an aliyah during the Torah reading on Thursday morning, rather than Shabbos. Sounds simple, right? But he has twin boys, and they are kohanim, so when he started laying out plans with the gabbai...

Tallit Shops in Tel Aviv

We frequently receive inquiries from people who are impressed with our web store and want to drop by when they come for a visit to Israel, thinking we have a brick-and-mortar shop somewhere in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. But the truth is we are located off the beaten path in Modi'in Illit, which is a 45-minute drive from Tel Aviv, and we are...

Do you need a second tallis for Shabbos?

You have a decent tallis you wear seven days a week. It's not old or schmutzy. Should you still try to buy a tallis just for Shabbos? In a word, yes. Let's start with the verse in Yeshayahu (58:13): אם תשיב משבת רגלך עשות חפצך ביום קדשי וקראת לשבת ענג לקדוש ה' מכבד וכבדתו מעשות דרכיך...

Which is more important: tallis or tefillin?

Toward the very beginning of the Gemara is a well-known breisa:                 אמר רבי יוחנן הרוצה לקבל עליו עול מלכות שמים שלימה יפנה ויטול ידיו ויניח תפילין ויתפלל Translation: "R' Yochanan said one who seeks to accept upon himself the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven in a complete manner should empty his bowels, do the...