Buy Tzitzit: Tzitzit Buyer’s Guide

Since tzitzit are the essence – the raison d’être – of a tallit or talit katan, we have broad know-how and expertise to guide you with tzitzit and tzitzit tying. Whether you opt to buy tzitzit strings separately or buy tzitzit tied onto a ready-to-wear tallit katan garment, we have a broad range of options to choose from.

Buy tzitzit/tallit katan in wool or cotton>>>

Buy tzitzit strings and tie yourself>>>

DIY tzitzit

Many people buy tzitzit strings and tie them onto their tallit themselves. Fulfilling a mitzvah yourself is always considered preferable to having someone else do it for you. Though in some cases – shechita, bris mila, making tefillin or writing a mezuzah, to name a few – you should generally leave it to a professional, tying tzitzit strings is a project that can be tackled by anyone with a bit of initiative.

Buy tzitzit strings: Thin or thick?

Tzitzit - Wool or Cotton
For tallit katan, click on image
Buy Tzitzit Strings
For DIY tzitzit strings, click on image

For aesthetic reasons, thin tzitzit are generally tied on a tallit katan, although some may prefer thick, which are less likely to break. On a tallit gadol, thin tzitzit are generally standard. Traditional black-and-white tallitot may be sold with no tzitzit, and often buyers will choose to go with thick tzitzit strings, again for reasons of aesthetics.

We have the largest selection of tzitzit for sale online, from thin machine-spun to thick handspun, and niputz lishmah, as well as a full line of techelet at unbeatable prices.

Tallit Katan

The Tallit Katan is a garment designed to allow you to fulfill the mitzvah of tzitzit all day. On each of the four corners is a hole through which the tzitzit strings are threaded and tied, according to various tying customs. Chassidic Jews have a custom of making two horizontally aligned holes in each corner, and according to Chabad, the holes are aligned diagonally.

A Tallit Katan is made of wool or cotton (or synthetic, which is preferred by some chassidim). According to halacha, wool is the ideal fabric for carrying out the mitzvah of tzitzit. The tzitzit strings themselves are always made of wool, but because some people refer to a tallit katan simply as “tzitzit,” a wool tallit katan may be referred to as “wool tzitzit” and a cotton tallit katan may be referred to as “cotton tzitzit.”

» Available upon request: Extra long tzitzit strings

» Complete line of  Ptil Tekhelet tzitzit strings to buy separately or tied onto a tallis or tallis katan.

Tzitzit Video

A 30-second look at some of our options to purchase tzitzit and techelet…