Tallit Stores in Jerusalem

We're constantly getting inquiries from people who are impressed with our website and want to drop by our shop when they come on a visit to Israel, based on the assumption we have a brick-and-mortar shop somewhere in Jerusalem. The only problem is we're situated in an out-of-the-way location in Modi'in Illit, which is at...

Tallit Sizing Tips

First, let me tell you how not to size a tallit. There's a new yungerman in the neighborhood, who sits three rows ahead of me during Shacharit. He very badly wants to be pious. What bothers me about him is not that he prays loudly in a grating, whiny tone of voice, but his tallit....

Wool tallit with blue stripes

If you want a traditional tallit, unless you're on a shoestring budget, make sure it's wool. A wool tallit looks nicer, lasts longer, feels better and is considered superior from a halachic standpoint. Many Sephardim have a custom of wearing a white-striped tallit, Ashkenazi traditionalists will stick with black stripes, but the blue-striped wool tallit...